Yep, I know I said I'd try to do this weekly. I have every intention of doing it each week. And, although it's now the 24th of January, I'm making a resolution to do so. Or at least biweekly. I don't even know if anyone is reading this darn thing or if they care. Oh well.
I also resolve to be more disciplined in my life in other areas. I have goals that I want to hit this year. Things for myself and things for my family and friends. Of course there's always weight loss... (that's one of those personal thingies) However, I'd also like to make some significant changes in our lifestyle and hit goals with our business team. I do know that there are some goals that we can't control. What I've been repeatedly prodded with recently is not necessarily hitting every goal we set, but to be disciplined and determined in the working toward that goal. Asking myself every day... "What did I do today that will get me closer to XYZ goal?" "Did I do what I could today to stretch myself and walk in faith towards my goal?" "Am I really going after my goals with the belief that God is taking care of me and I'm always going to win in the end?"
I have recently come to the conclusion that I never want to get to the end of my life and have someone say, "She had potential." or "She could have done great things if she only had tried." If we truly think that God is a great God and that He is the creator of every splendid thing on this earth, why would we think we don't deserve to reach goals we've set? Why can't we help others do the same? Why can't we change another's attitude about themselves and about God along the way?
Now that I'm a parent I understand more fully what it means to be a Child of God. He wants the best for me, just as I want the best for Ava. God wants me to learn how to be nice to my friends and family and how to obey him.... again, just like the desires for Avery. Many people have recently said that they see a bit of me in Avery when they look at her pictures. I only pray that they can say that about seeing my Heavenly Father in me when they look at my pictures. I resolve to grow in the Love and Understanding of my Father in Heaven so that they can say this. This will also take discipline. Pray for me on this journey.
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