Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yep. My favorite time of year again. Autumn. Especially because it includes one of my favorite holidays... THANKSGIVING! In homage to this amazing day of remembrance, I am writing out my list of blessings and things I am thankful for... (This is the shortened version. There are more things than this I can/am thankful for, but I am not going to post them all here. That would take forever. This is just a list of 50.)

1. My salvation through Jesus Christ
2. My health - without this, most of the others don't seem all that important
3. My husband - He's, seriously, the best man in the world. I love him with all of my heart.
4. My daughter and son (Avery & Samuel)
5. My parents
6. My sister & her family
7. My in-laws (Really, I'm serious. I love them.)
8. My extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc...)
9. The opportunity to succeed or fail
10. Friends who help me become the best me possible
11. Great books that inspire and challenge me
12. Amazing heros that I can actually look up to in life
13. Fuzzy slippers/socks
14. Snuggly blankets (no, not snuggies - just warm blankets)
15. Time... most people take this for granted
16. Cars/Trucks etc... automobiles - and their convenience
17. Forgiveness
18. Apple Cider
19. Free enterprise
20. Sunsets
21. Our dog, Hershey... even if she is a pain sometimes
22. My senses (hearing and eyesight, etc...)
23. Sticky syrup face kisses from Avery
24. Colors... and the beauty that can be created from them
25. Sweatshirts
26. A hedge of protection around me, my family, & my friends
27. Computers
28. My pathetic pillow that has survived my childhood, Kenya, Avery's birth (barely) and a zillion road trips.
29. Christ's Mercy
30. Music
31. Nature
32. My mind (it's the one thing any of us can actually control.)
33. Water
34. Laughter
35. Heat and air conditioning (I know I'm spoiled)
36. Room to grow and change... (not clothing - although that's appreciated too, but as a person)
37. Sneakers and boots and comfy shoes
38. Quiet time with the Lord
39. Great conversations
40. My imagination
41. Sleeping in     :)
42. My time in Kenya (and hopefully, a trip back)
43. Kenneth Copeland Ministries
44. Hot chocolate
45. Electricity & running water
46. A PMA about each and every day
47. Trying to develop an "others focused" approach to life.
48. The ability and willingness to seek God's will in my life (not just my own)
49. Goals and the opportunity to work towards them (even if we don't always hit them when we want to)
50. Compassion

Okay, so that was actually pretty easy. There are a zillion things that I'm thankful for... If you ever have one of those days that make you feel like you may not be able to handle your life... PLEASE create your own list. Add the smallest things as well as big things. It puts life into perspective. As Larry Winters always says, "Any day above ground is a good day."

For these things, AND MORE, I am thankful!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Readers are Leaders...

I've often heard the quote, "Readers are Leaders" and vice versa. I wholeheartedly agree. People who are constantly learning from other people are ones that can lead other people. However, there are lots of KINDS of reading. There's reading for fun and enjoyment. This is often associated with fiction. There are tons of great fiction reads out there who help you escape where you're at for a little while and let you explore new places and meet new people (even if they don't really exist.) Fiction is one of my favorites. Mostly because it's an easy read most of the time. I sorta think of it like a really intriguing tv show that I must put on in my own mind. One of my professors in college, however, made the statement (that obviously stuck with me) that ONLY reading fiction/magazines is like ONLY eating candy. Although it may stave off that hunger for a little while and it is considered food, it doesn't do too much to help you grow or give you nourishment.
I used to correlate nonfiction with boring textbooks. That's mostly because I hadn't really been introduced to any good nonfiction. Sadly, I don't know if this was my stubborn fault for not trying anything or the school system's fault for not introducing anything to me except for textbooks. At Messiah, that same professor, Anita Voelker, taught a course on Children's Literature which forced me to finally take a good look at what I had previously thought by making me read some nonfiction young adult novels. They were great!
Unfortunately, when I got into business with my husband and our mentors recommended some nonfiction business books, I went back to that old way of thinking for a while. However, I finally gave in and read some FANTASTIC nonfiction adult books. These weren't at all what I'd expected for being business books. Most of them were about dealing with others, improving your own self and/or increasing your spiritual relationship with God! They didn't use big words that I would never understand. Many of them even related real stories of situations where others applied things they learned. Crazy huh? You can actually learn something that isn't out of a textbook! In fact, I learned most of what I know from somewhere other than a textbook.
I've decided that I may not be the only misguided reading soul out there. I'm going to post a few of my favorites here. I'll post a top 20 from both fiction and nonfiction and even from young adult and adult novels. (There are way more than this, but this may be just a jump start for those who would like to try it.) I'll even try to include info about some of them so that you can know if they would be something you'd like to read. If you have any questions or other suggestions, let me know.

1. The Traveller's Gift - A man who is going through a tough personal crisis travels through time and learns valuable lessons from famous historical figures that could help him change his life and his perspective.

2. The Shack - A man who has lost his youngest daughter wrestles with his anger towards God about the situation and eventually gets a mysterious invitation to talk about it in person from God.

3. Go For No - A man has a vision of his life as it would have been if he'd only decided to keep being persisitent instead of giving up easily.

4. The Greatest Miracle In The World - A successful executive befriends and old man who teaches him valuable lessons about the value of mankind.

5. Speak (Young Adult) - A young girl must deal with navigating her way through her first year of high school while also keeping a secret that has separated her from her friends and family.

6. The Chocolate War - (Young Adult) - A young boy attending a parochial school refuses to participate in the chocolate candy fundraiser and, in turn, becomes the enemy of the headmaster and a group of boys the headmaster has asked to "help" him force everyone to participate.

7. Mick Harte Was Here - (Young Adult) - A young girl deals with the loss of her brother by remembering the great things about him.

8. The Ultimate Gift - When a young man's relative passes away, he must fulfill the dying man's wishes to receive his inheritance and learns many amazing things about himself and about life in the process.

9. This Present Darkness - Evil things are taking place in a small town. Some that can be seen and some that are happening in the unseen. This book gives a mental picture of what is truly happening that we can't see when people face their darkest hour.

10. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - A group of unlikely warriors have to navigate their way through Middle Earth to destroy a ring of power that threatens to wipe out the good in the world.
1. The Five Love Languages - Everyone shows and observes "being loved" in a different way. This book helps you figure out how you perceive being loved as well as those close to you.
2. How To Win Friends and Influence People - Tips for being a better friend, spouse, and coworker/entrepreneur. Gives personal testimonies and experiences...

3. Warrior Chicks - Discusses having a warrior's spirit in things that women face every day and in the author's own personal battle with cancer.

4. Personality Plus - From the social butterfly, to the goal oriented locomotive, to the quiet wallflower, to the organizer... each of us has a different personality and a different approach to life. This helps you discover what your own personal strengths and weaknesses may be and may help you understand those around you who just don't operate the same!

5. In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day - Recounts the often overlooked life of Benaiah from the Bible and gives life lessons on seizing opportunities that God has put in your path & the faith that those opportunities may entail.

6. Lincoln the Unknown - Recounts the life of Abraham Lincoln... good, bad, sad, happy and all of the in between.

7. Your Best Life Now - Joel Osteen teaches how God would like you to have the best life possible. You are His child after all, and He has given a manual on how to live.

8. If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy, He Can't Keep Your Goods - Life sometimes stinks. Satan does his best to throw a whole lot of crap at you and this tells you God's perpective on how to make it through everything joyfully. 

9. The Power of a Praying Parent - Instead of worrying about what this world will throw at your children, this book discusses how to pray for your kid(s) and release them into God's care instead of living a life of fear in every situation.

10. The Magic of Thinking Big - Putting this off until "later," having to make sure everything's "just right" before starting, and making excuses are just some of the things that hold people back from acheiving big things in their lives. This discusses success principles and how to overcome those failure diseases.

Again, I know that this isn't an exhaustive list. Please comment and add some of your favorites too!

Monday, October 18, 2010

What's in a name???

So, with this little boy inside of me kicking and punching like Jackie Chan, I'd like to have a name to call him so that I can tell him specifically to knock it off some days. I had an initial list that I started when we found out it was a boy, and Jonny's job has been to add/delete names to the list until we can narrow it down. Here's my "issue." I have had so many students in the past that create negative connotations in my head about their name that we're limited. So... here's our list, past and present. Ones that are in all CAPITALS are ones that are still on the list. Ones that have an (*) asterick are ones that Jonny has contributed to the cause. All of those that are written in upper and lower case letters have been vetoed by either Jon or me.


Then... of course, we've had a lot of people give suggestions as to what we should name him. These include some plausible names and some (that I'm hoping) are just for fun... I figured I'd even open it up to those facebook friends of mine who would like to put in their two cents. Here is the extended list. (Not saying that we're actually using or even considering some of these... but I thought it would be fun.)

Mufasa                                Bryce                          
Kyler                                  Mason
Dwight                                Allister
Finnigan                              Bo                              
Klae                                   Jude                                  
Angelo                               Liam
BJ                                      Charlie                        
Skylar                                Jade                                  
Henry                                Isaiah
Caleb                                Graham                       
Elijah                                Garrett                             
Kade                                Isaac                               
Evan                                 Josiah                           
Patrick                              Micah                               
Cole                                 Jackson
Noah                                Griffin                           
Keenan                             Makmud                          
Gavin                                Harry
Logan                               Colton                          
Britton                              Norman                           
Everett                             Tanyon
Zechariah                          Duncan                        

Let me know what you think. You can respond to this post or to my facebook page or email account : mculbertson@ltdkate.com :)  This should be fun...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baby #2

There is going to be an addition of a new family member soon. Avery is going to be a big sister in early February. We found out on Friday that the little bugger that is kicking me is a boy. :) I'm due, officially, on Feb 6th. However, when I went to the doctors they informed me that they'll keep an eye on the size of baby boy to see if he'll be bigger than Ava - which is likely in the statistical realm. If he is, they'll recommend another Csection instead of me trying to deliver him normally. Not sure how I feel about this. That would mean they'd schedule me at least a week ahead of time... in January. We'll see.
When we went for the ultrasound to find out the gender little man wouldn't cooperate at first for the ultrasound tech. She finally said, "I THINK your daughter is going to have a little brother." Hmmm... not all that confident. She didn't even show us conclusive "proof" that IT would be a HE. Then the doctor came in. Not long after the doc started the ultrasound, the little one was laying there with his legs spread wide open. The doc, who had been talking to us with big medical terms and such just moments ago, started talking about the baby's "third leg" and making Eiffel Tower referrences!! He even felt it necessary to show us 3D images of the baby's anatomy to make sure we knew it was a boy! Although I was glad that we had some definite "proof," it was kinda' awkward... (Ummm... okay. You can stop flashing pictures of my kid's privates up on the big screen now... Please stop making penis jokes...) Guess he was just trying to have a "normal," non-medical conversation. The baby wouldn't let anyone take really good pictures of him though. The one I'm posting is of him at 11ish weeks. (No he doesn't have an abormally long nose. He has his hand beside his face and what you see is his hand on the other side of his nose.)
Mom had been wondering for years when there would be any grand children coming. Now she's going to have 4 grandchildren in 4 years. (Avery/March '08, Cayson/July '09, SweetPea Sciortino/Nov or Dec '10, and Baby Boy C/ Jan or Feb '11) She's gotten her wish. (I don't think Rachel and RJ are REALLY going to name their baby girl SweetPea, but you never know. She won't tell family the name they picked. SweetPea is the best we've gotten.)
Kinda funny that we're now going to be trying to figure out boy stuff as Rach and RJ are figuring out how to live in Princess Land. Avery doesn't quite understand this whole "baby" thing yet. She originally thought we were going to "get" baby Hannah who comes to our house time and again. I think she now knows that we're getting a "newer model." She also has decided that I am having a baby brother and she'll have a baby sister. She even tells me she's drying off her "baby" when she gets out of the shower and dries her stomach. People keep asking her if she's going to have a baby brother soon, and she replies, "No. I'm having the baby sister." Hmmm... I don't think I'm going to try to explain this one. She's excited about being a big helper though. We keep reassuring her that a baby is going to be a good thing. I've told her several times about all the kinds of things she can help out with and all the things she's going to be able to teach the baby. She seems excited about that part. We're praying for a smooth transition.
People keep asking me if we have any names yet. I have a whole list. Jon has yet to narrow it down or tell me anything. Before we knew the sex of the baby his reasoning was, "I don't want to use any unnecessary mental energy on names for the wrong sex." Now he told me he'll get to it after this weekend. He has a half an hour. :) Just kidding. If it's anything like picking Avery's name, he got out a whiteboard and wrote down a bunch of names and slowly began to cross them off as he decided that he didn't like them as much as the others. This could be a long process... hoping it isn't. :) When we have a decision, I'll post it.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Has it been that long?

Did I ever mention that I don't feel old? At least, not on most days. Of course, there's the occassional day of rest needed here or there to get back into a groove, but not regularly. So how is it, with me being as exceptionally young as I am (no snickering please) that I will have been married TEN years this August? I mean, really? Has it really been ten years? That means that time is moving WAY faster than I ever dreamed it would. We've known each other since second semester of our freshman year in college (1996 to be exact.) We didn't start dating until second semester of our junior year... there are some vague details in there about me dating his roommate and all of that. That was 1998. We got engaged in 1999 and married in 2000. Jon said that a 2000 wedding would be easy to remember how long we've been married because it was an even number! :) That means we've been together for 12 years and married for 10!!! TEN!!!! In August, of course, but still!
I distinctly remember a guy who graduated from high school my freshman year who could grow facial hair and seemed to me like an OLD person. Those OLD college kids. Then, when I got to Messiah, those seniors were like... ancient. They were getting engaged and married and stuff. When we got engaged I figured that I had just "matured." I saw all of these young freshman at Messiah and they seemed so.... little. So young. Seriously! That was at least 10 years ago that I had those thoughts. And even looking back, I think, we must have been so crazy to get married at 22 & 23 years old! I know people now who are 22 & 23 and they seem WAY too young to be getting married or to even think about it. I mean, I have former students this age. Some are partying their life away, some are in serious relationships, and I even have a few former students who are married and have more children than I do! Holy moly!
Is it just that our perspective changes as we age? Surely it's not us. I mean, as I look back over the past 10 years I can, honestly, tell you that they have been the most amazing 10 years of my life. Heck, 12 years... if we're counting dating. I love Jon more now than I did when I said "Yes" to his proposal. Don't get me wrong. It has been work. That's what has made it so good. We've worked at learning more about each other every single day. Are there days when we didn't agree? Yep. Have we ever seen the other person act like a weenie? Yep. Have WE ever acted like a weenie? On more than one occassion. But, the thing is, it's a chance to change and make it better each and every time. That may be why there is such a high divorce rate in this country. We've forgotten how to WORK at things to make them better and we just expect the other person to "get" us. Not to mention it has taken a lot of prayer and long chats with God about our marriage and the direction/calling on our lives. *HINT* This is probably the biggest key!
So... if I was smart enough then to know a good thing when I saw it, maybe I wasn't as young and naive as I thought. Hoping that others have found the happiness that I've found. :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bucket List

Question... Is there something that you've always wanted to do? Or maybe you've recently found a passion for something? Do you even have dreams anymore? Unfortunately, most people have given up on them long ago. Dreams, a passion, a purpose... these things are important. I think that when we stop dreaming, when we stop pursuing a goal, we begin to merely exist. That's a sucky way to go through life. I know that God did not create me to merely have me "exist" here on earth for a little while. I'm the kid of a King! I know that He wants the best for me. I mean, I want the best for Avery in every aspect of life... and I'm merely human. I can only imagine that God wants me to have fun, be prosperous, be healthy, and live a very full life in His will! Why wouldn't He?
So... I've decided to create a "Bucket List" (name taken from the movie). If you haven't seen it (first of all, I'd recommend it) I'll explain what this is all about. A "Bucket List" is a list of things you'd like to do/accomplish before you "kick the bucket." You can have as many as you want on your list. I've decided that 100 is a good goal for me. That way, when I can cross one off my list I still have a lot of living left to do. However, I only have 80ish goals listed. I'd welcome any feedback or suggestions. I challenge you to create a "Bucket List." Even if there's only 10 things on it. This can, at least, give you some direction in the future. Like Yogi Berra said, "If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else." Berra

Here is my Bucket List...

1. Live debt free and job free (both of us)

2. Earn the right to be part of the LTD Diamond Team

3. Bear 4 children

4. Adopt children

5. Learn Spanish fluently

6. Take a dance class

7. Take a cooking class

8. Travel aboard "The World"

9. Have an Exclusive Resorts Membership

10. Go on a cruise (eventually once a year)

11. Visit all of the baseball parks in one summer

12. Visit all NFL stadiums for a game

13. Relearn sign language

14. Pay for a cruise for my family

15. Take care of my parents and Jon's dad financially

16. Fund/Build a Mercy Ministries home

17. Help build/fund a Liberty Prep Christian Academy in Lancaster &; send my kids there

18. Lead/Start a study abroad/exchange/experiential learning program

19. Write a juvenile fiction book

20. Own property with 100+ acres

21. Buy my parents' house and keep it in the family

22. Own & build multiple homes in various parts of the country/world

23. Pay for my kids' college (if they decide they'd like to go) with one check per year - NO PAYMENT PLAN

24. Have an "Alice" like the Brady Bunch did

25. Own a first edition of many of the novels that are considered "American or British Classics"

26. Spend a week in NYC with my mom each year

27. See a Broadway show

28. Fund the Ole Kirisuah's ministry to the Maasai people in Kenya

29. Visit food establishments highlighted on the Food Network and Travel Channels

30. Take the kids to Disney

31. Give monthly to every ministry I can (KCM, Mercy Ministries, Outreach America, Hope Int'l, Joyce Meyer, Wallbuilders etc...)

32. Visit Pixar Studios & have a character created after me :)

33. Go to a summer and winter Olympics

34. Build a "hobbit hole" (like Bag End from LOTR) as a playhouse for my kids

35. Hang glide

36. Parasail

37. Learn to really rock climb

38. Learn to ski (water & snow)

39. Own a boat & jetskis

40. Learn to ride a horse

41. Fit back into my wedding dress

42. Own a street legal motorcycle as well as a dirtbike and/or 4 wheelers

43. Go crabbing and deep sea fishing

44. Learn to sail
45. Stay at Peter Island (by qualification)

46. Whale watch at Diamond Club in Hawaii

47. See the Grand Canyon

48. Travel to... Australia ... and... go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef.

49. Travel to... New Zeland ... and... travel to LOTR locations.

50. Travel to... Japan ... and... try authentic sushi.

51. Travel to... China ... and... walk on the Great Wall.

52. Travel to... Alaska ... and... see the Arctic Circle.

53. Travel to... India ... and... see the Taj Mahal.

54. Travel to... Kenya ... and... build orphanages there.

55. Travel to... S. Africa ... and... take a hot air balloon safari.

56. Travel to... Italy ... and... see the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

57. Travel to... Greece ... and... visit Santorini Island.

58. Travel to... France ... and... watch the fireworks at the Eiffel Tower for Independence Day.

59. Travel to... Spain ... and... WATCH the running of the bulls.

60. Travel to... Bahamas ... and... ride the water slide at the Atlantis resort.

61. Travel to... Haiti ... and... build homes/orphanages

62. Travel to... Brazil ... and... participate in Carnivale.

63. Travel to... Chile ... and... visit Easter Islands.

64. Travel to... Mexico ... and... climb the ruins.

65. Travel to... S. Korea ... and... have Trish show me around

66. Travel to... California ... and... learn to surf.

67. Travel to... Egypt ... and... see the pyramids

68. Travel to... Uganda ... and... climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

69. Travel to... Switzerland ... and... stay in a Swiss ski chalet (ski & mostly drink hot cocoa!)

70. Travel to... Trinidad & Tobago ... and... have Jonny give me a tour of his trip.

71. Travel to... Vietnam ... and ... take my dad & mom.

72. Build/design a high & low ropes/challenge course.

73. Fashion week in NYC with Carey! :)

74. Send postcards from awesome places to those who've said I'll never get there.

75. Live on only 20% of my income and give the rest away

76. NBA Finals tickets & season tickets for the Celtics for Jonny

77. NCAA Final Four games every year that we'd like

78. Big game hunting trip for my dad out west

79. Visit Sesame Street and make my own "Mandy" muppet.

80. Fill the Giant Center with ambitious people for the LTD team and watch their lives be transformed by the Truth.





















Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This last month (last few weeks actually) has been a real test of faith. Not just saying, "I have faith in God" but actually living it out. Like, when things look like they're going great and then Satan tries to pull the rug out from under you, do you fall down or fall back onto what God says He has in store for you?
I'm so glad that we have hope in Him. The circumstances are not TRUTH. The TRUTH is what God has promised us and given us through His Son. I have come to realize that no matter what is happening in the physical realm that we can see, there is a spiritual battle going on at all times. We kick Satan's butt every time we pray and every time we act on faith in His Word and speak His Promises. Satan hates that. He would rather that we didn't know what is promised to us. He would rather that we get discouraged and not realize that the Book says we've already won. :) He tries to deceive us with our "situation" so that we are overwhelmed by his lies and don't rely on God. (Like we can really do anything effective without Him?) Satan tries to throw all kinds of "crap" at us so that we don't act in faith. When "circumstances" seem to pile up, Jon always reminds me that Satan is only trying so stinkin' hard because the realization of the Promise is just around the bend if we will stand strong.
Sometimes I feel like that if Satan came to us in a physical form, he would be easier to defeat. (I'm no wimp and I'd kick his teeth in before he knew it.) But, he doesn't. He works through situations and people. A ton of the books I've been reading and the scriptures I've been in recently have had a common thread. Satan creates NOTHING! He is only a deceiver. He is a liar and a distorter of the TRUTH. He can't MAKE us do anything. He only coaxes us and deceives us into making choices that are not right. That is, he TRIES to. If we know what God has promised and what He tells us about living and loving and everything, we can not be deceived. Granted, Satan tries to put a million stumbling blocks in our way. He has every bill due at the same time, every appliance/vehicle try to break down just as they are coming due too. Not to mention the lies he tries to spread about your health and job and all of that. Satan is working his tail off behind the scenes to get you to fall for it. He wants you to try to rely on yourself (because he knows he can get to you- he's been at this for a very long time.) He doesn't want you relying on God or His Word. The only way I've been able to get through these past few weeks is to realize that Satan is not the final authority. And also realize how much I've already been BLESSED!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More snow anyone??

February is almost over... and we're supposed to be moving on to spring soon. I'm not so sure about that. This month has been one of the snowiest I can remember.  I know that many people hate the snow (including Jonny who vows to me that someday we MUST own a second home in the south somewhere so that he can get out of the cold and snowy weather. Ava's not a fan yet either. I think mostly because it's easy to fall down and we don't really have a "snowsuit" for her so she gets wet and cold. She seemed okay when she was on the porch and had better footing... :)  I'll be honest. I don't mind it. I think the snow is beautiful. Maybe it's because there are great memories associated with snow for me.
My dad would always play in the snow with us and, of course, Bruno (our St. Bernard) LOVED the snow. I remember snowy Christmases and sledding down the hill at Aunt Mim's house by the barn. My dad would put us in all of our snow gear and drive to an empty parking lot somewhere in the Blazer and do donuts while Rachel and I went wild inside! :) I remember one particular blizzard where my cousin Matt was getting married (the first time) and we ventured to the wedding in our snow boots, snow pants, and heavy winter coats. On our way to the reception we helped some other family members out of the snow or just piled everyone into our Blazer when they were in a snow bank. Rachel and I rode in the bed/trunk/back of the blazer and we all got to take home extra chicken cordon bleu from the reception. (Most people couldn't get there and they had already paid for it!) We ate that chicken for a LONG time.

I think one of my favorite memories and a tradition that I wish could continue, was Snow Day Breakfasts at Grandma's. Living across the road from my grandparents was amazing...although, I wish Grandpa had been alive long enough to participate in the snow day traditions. My aunt, Bonnie, and my cousin, Justin, lived with Grandma, and she taught in the Dover district. This was KEY! When ever we all had snow days, we'd trudge over to Grandma's and have a pancake feast like no other. I'm not sure if it's the griddle or their extra love, but Grandma (& Bonnie's) pancakes are STILL THE ONLY PANCAKES I LIKE!!!! We'd sit around eating heaping mounds of pancakes and laugh and talk. When I got married and moved to Lancaster I realized how much I missed this tradition. My first snowfall here in Lancaster was when I called Grandma. She said that if I could get there she'd make pancakes. I miss her even more on snow days now.

First snowstorm on 2/6/10

Beginning of snow...11:30pm snowstorm on 2/9/10   - Look how bright it is!!!
The lights in the distance are those of the driving range behind our house @ Overlook Park.

Wednesday morning 2/10/10 during the snowstorm...

When it was all over... So peaceful... 

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Yep, I know I said I'd try to do this weekly. I have every intention of doing it each week. And, although it's now the 24th of January, I'm making a resolution to do so. Or at least biweekly. I don't even know if anyone is reading this darn thing or if they care. Oh well.
I also resolve to be more disciplined in my life in other areas. I have goals that I want to hit this year. Things for myself and things for my family and friends. Of course there's always weight loss... (that's one of those personal thingies) However, I'd also like to make some significant changes in our lifestyle and hit goals with our business team. I do know that there are some goals that we can't control. What I've been repeatedly prodded with recently is not necessarily hitting every goal we set, but to be disciplined and determined in the working toward that goal. Asking myself every day... "What did I do today that will get me closer to XYZ goal?" "Did I do what I could today to stretch myself and walk in faith towards my goal?" "Am I really going after my goals with the belief that God is taking care of me and I'm always going to win in the end?"
I have recently come to the conclusion that I never want to get to the end of my life and have someone say, "She had potential." or "She could have done great things if she only had tried." If we truly think that God is a great God and that He is the creator of every splendid thing on this earth, why would we think we don't deserve to reach goals we've set? Why can't we help others do the same? Why can't we change another's attitude about themselves and about God along the way?
Now that I'm a parent I understand more fully what it means to be a Child of God. He wants the best for me, just as I want the best for Ava. God wants me to learn how to be nice to my friends and family and how to obey him.... again, just like the desires for Avery. Many people have recently said that they see a bit of me in Avery when they look at her pictures. I only pray that they can say that about seeing my Heavenly Father in me when they look at my pictures. I resolve to grow in the Love and Understanding of my Father in Heaven so that they can say this. This will also take discipline. Pray for me on this journey.